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30 April, 2022Cassie joins the family, and my hair gets destroyed!

Cassie, right after I got her
It’s been a hectic and life changing month, thats for sure!
Birthday makup

Happy 31

April is the month of my birthday. Yay, right? Well, I guess getting older is never fun after you hit 20-25 years old, and birthdays therefore kinda feel less and less important. But I still like to celebrate it, kinda to celebrate yet another year I've managed to stay healthy and alive!
My hair is a disaster. I'm terrified!

Ruined hair

Let's talk about hair. Ruined hair! And I guess I have no one to blame but myself for being a cheap ass. Because instead of going to my normal hair stylist, I decided to try this cheaper option. Cause why not, I though. They should know what they are doing too, right? Well... I Guess I was very wrong. This guy brushed all my hair back, and used a machine to cut my hair. The he said "I'm done!". In other words, the hair was just cut right off, no layering whatsoever. I then told him to fix it, and to actually cut it with a scissor. He then tried to make to attempts at layering it before I gave up and just left the saloon. I tried to complain to the company, but never got a response back. I had no other choice but to go to my real hair stylist and pay to get my hair fixed, cause there was no way I was walking around looking like a flower pot.
Cassie, right after I got her

New family member

Last thing I'm gonna write about is probably the thing that has affected my life the most: I got a dog of my own. For a long time I've been "mourning" the dog from my marriage because I was not allowed to keep seeing him. I tried to move on from it, but it was easier said than done. I had been thinking about getting a dog of my own for a long time, but wasn't seriously considering it, since it would make the move to Germany. But one day my brother called me about this dog the knew needed a new owner because her current owner at the time had just had a heart surgery. I agreed to go see the dog, but told my brother beforehand that it would be very hard for me to actually keep a dog at this time. But after meeting her and seeing her, I couldn't quite let go. It just felt so right to keep her, so I took a very spontaneous choice to keep her and just make it work, somehow. And I do not regret it, even though it has been hard to get used to being a dog mom again, especially to such an active dog! She looks a bit like my old dog, which was not my intention and definitely not the reason I decided to keep her. She is also a husky, but not a pure breed like the Siberian husky I used to have. She is what is called an "Alaskan husky". I do not really see my old dog when I look at her though, and she has a very different personality from what he had. There are a few things I have to work with when it comes to her bad habits, like jumping up on furniture and people, but I can see she is a smart dog that will learn to adapt. Her fur is also a bit thin in certain places, and she keeps scratching her back a lot. The veterinarian said it might be due to bad food quality, or an allergy.. She also looks a bit starved.
Cassie arrives

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