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3 August, 2022Vacation in Germany for a month. Then getting used to life back home.

Me with a pink cotton candy
Traveling issues, spending time with my boyfriend in Germany and then going home again.

Traveling to Germany

Just a few days before traveling, I heard that there were a lot of issues with short staff at airports all over Europe. I still decided to hope for the best and keep my booking with KLM on the 5th of June. And everything looked fine, all up till 10 hours before I was supposed to be on my first flight: It was delayed by a few hours, which meant that I would lose my connecting flight. And that would have been fine if there was another flight the same day, but that was however not the case. I started a chat with KLM and they tried helping me get another flight booked through one of their partners (the same day). The problem was that I was checked in to my original flight times, and for some reason KLM couldn’t help me remove the check in, and I could not do it myself either. Because of that they could not give me that ticket. After a lot of chatting, which led to nowhere, I went to the airport directly to talk to them. However, since they were not employees of KLM, they could not help me. My boyfriend helped me call KLM (they didn’t open their phone lines till 9, so I didn’t have this option earlier), and the person he talked to over the phone was a lot more helpful than the person chatting. At the end of this call, my previous check in was removed and I had a new ticket. Finally I could check in for real and get through the security gate.

Everything went fine all up till I was sitting on my first flight, that was going to Oslo. The flight attendants started acting weird and were talking to each other while looking very confused. Shortly after the pilot came out and joined the conversation as well. A few minutes later they announced that they had counted one extra person on the plane then that had checked in, but they didn’t know who, and they were not allowed to start flying before this issue was resolved. This really stressed me out since my connecting flight was supposed to depart from Oslo only 40 minutes after my first flight landed. In other words: I would definitely not make my connecting flight. They started going through all the passengers on the plane by asking our names. Then they finally found a guy that wasn’t on their list of passengers, sitting in the back of the flight. Someone had seen this guy bring two plastic bags into the aircraft, and that he had placed those bags on the top shelves in the front of the aircraft but had then proceeded to go to the back of the plane to sit down. So they kicked the guy off the plane with his bags and started checking who every single item on the shelfs belonged to, in case this guy had placed more items in the aircraft. Finally we were able to get into the air, and even though I would lose my connecting flight, I was informed that I would be able to get on another flight to Frankfurt the same day, just a few hours later. My luggage would also be sent to that plane, so everything would work out. After a lot of waiting, stress eating and a few extra delays on the last flight, I finally arrived in Germany. What a day …

Vacation in Germany

Just days after I arrived in Germany, I started feeling sick. I got extremely fatigued and my chest was hurting, with no previous symptoms. It hit very fast and hard. A few days later the chest was better, but my throat was very sore and dry. Another few days later I just felt it in my nose and nose spray turned out to be my best friend for being able to sleep. In other words: This sickness was very odd since it felt like a reverse cold. Normally I would always feel it in my nose first, throat second and chest last. I was also very weak and fatigued weeks after recovering, something that was very noticeable at the gym. I also passed on the virus to my boyfriend, and he had the same intense fatigue. We suspected corona, but never got it confirmed. Instead we stayed inside the apartment till we had no more symptoms.

Other than that we ate a lot of good food, watched TV, went to the gym and played Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak together.

The journey back

Of course, it wasn’t enough to have a one-way travel problem, because on the way back, a similar situation occurred with my first flight: I was on the plane, which never seemed to leave the airport. Finally we were told by the flight attendant that they did not have the passenger list and that the person responsible for giving them this list did not pick up the phone. The flight attendant also said that she had tried to call several phone numbers, without success. Several minutes later we were told that she had finally made contact and that things would be fine. But shortly afterwards we were yet again told that the person she had been talking to had put down the headset without saying anything, and that we were thus back to waiting. I glanced at the woman next to me, who seemed a little stressed. Then I started laughing, simply out of stress and because the whole situation was a bit comical. Suddenly she started laughing too.

Eventually the problem was sorted out, but we were quite late. Luckily I had a little extra time between flights this time and just managed to make it to the next flight after running through Amsterdam Airport (with cardio, and I was still not fully recovered after being sick). The only problem was that when I arrived at Trondheim airport, the luggage did not arrive on the conveyor belt. I therefore had to send in a message to KLM and the missing luggage and hope that it was found. Fortunately, I was not the only one in this situation. The luggage was delivered to my door a couple of days later.

Coming home

I had missed my furbabies quite a lot while being away, so it was nice seeing them again. But it was also very hard to get back into routines. Both when it came to day to day life and working out. Streaming was almost impossible and I almost didn’t wanna get back into it because of anxiousness. It didn’t help when I discovered that my cat, Vira, had her third eyelids showing, which is an indication of sickness. Shortly after I discovered that she had diarrhea as well. I suspect it came from the cat hotel, especially since my friend’s cat also got diarrhea after being there. After getting her to the vet and they gave her IV liquid treatment, she looked alot better. But even to this day she is still not well. I had to pay 400-500 bucks for veterinary care. They took blood tests, and even an x-ray, but couldn’t provide any answers. Medication has not helped and we are now forced to just wait it out. Vira seems like herself. She is eating, drinking and running around.

I am back to my normal workout and stream routines, but I am struggling with having enough time every day. It’s hard to find time to relax.

Traveling to Germany and leaving the fur babies at hotels. (June 2022 Summary).
Getting home from germany. Vira being sick. (July 2022 Summary).

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