Don't wait for a miracle. You truly are the only one with the power tochange your life

Lacking motivation?If I could do it, so can you!
Life is hard. Life is painful. And nothing will ever change that. So what is the point, you ask?
Well, you can choose to surrender to your weaknesses and keep feeling bad about yourself, or you can take control of your life and end up with a much happier version of you. It’s totally up to you to decide what you want, and what is important for you in life.
Life is a number of choices. It is not necessarily about right or wrong as much as what do you want the most. For example: you cannot eat whatever you want and be upset about not getting that lean body. Make your choice. One is a lot easier than the other, and can feel like a good choice short term, but has no real rewards in the end. The other one is hard work and dedication, and little no rewards in the beginning, but will surely make it feel worth your time in the end if you deeply commit to it.
I am no expert. Really, I am just a woman who decided to stop making up excuses and just do something about my own self-image. I made the choice to cut calories and force myself to workout. And for me it was worth it.
I need to feel that my life is constant progressing. That is why I push my self very hard to achieve my goals. Without purpose and drive, I simply fade away.
When corona started, the gyms closed down. And I said to myself: “I’m not stopping now. No way!”. So I hurried to different stores to buy stuff I could use to continue builing muscle. Good thing I did, cause just days later everthing was sold out everywhere, for months. And it took a long time for the gym to open up again.
Once the gyms were allowed to open again, I went back. But I had a dream about getting my own home gym. A real one.
One day I made that dream happen.
Techsila Live!Twitch
Sometimes I might stream my workouts on Twitch. I don’t stream as much as a I used to, simply cause I don’t have time anymore.
However, I would greatly appreaciate it if you followed me and kept me company while I’m live.

On the path to a better lifeProject body
This is the part where you can can read about my fitness journey. I will share progression pictures, my intense frustration and feelings and maybe some tips. In other words: It’s pretty much a health blog, written by a woman with limited experience ‒ so please, keep that in mind while reading this.